Not everyone is meant to make the difference
yeah... I know, after "oslo experience part 1" there is supposed to be "oslo experience part 2" and further sequels. But taking advantage of the infinite liberty and privilege I have given myself, I have decided to insert this snippet here. Please don't mind!

What is so appealing about the characters and the story?
first, unlike any other superhero, spiderman has not come from the planets/galaxies far away. He's just a normal person. Like anyone of us. The uprising from a ordinary man to a courageous, self-sacrificing person, to "a hero" is what appeals me most.
second, it's not just about stunts, climbing walls, flying around or fighting bad guys. No doubt these things are present and appreciated by many (or most) of the viewers, but what is more significant is the internal psychological or mental fight between Peter Parker and Spiderman, the fight between the way they are supposed to think, the fight between their *wishes* and *interests*.
there are many more aspects of it I would like to write about. May be in the subsequent posts.
Another and more important reason for my special interest in the Spiderman is (the text is removed from here for some unexplainable reasons)
Not everyone is meant to make a difference. But for me, the choice to lead an ordinary life is no longer an option
- Spiderman
I need to know the unexplanable reasons...u already know that I have read that part :)
some movies/books leave impression in our lives.....
the title song of 'bharat ek khoj' is the one for me!
"if u get some time and if u r interested" listen....and let me know what do you think about it....
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