Friday, June 17, 2005

fair unfair

After a pretty usual day in office I returned back, and then, I was supposed to meet this guy. I had never met him before. Had not heard anything about him except his name. The time decided was 7:30 pm. I left home at 7:35. I knew, first he was supposed to talk with other people so the delay was permissible. He was a tall guy, with a innocent smile on his face. I was observing him as he was talking to others. His behavior reinforced my first observation that he's innocent and a genuine person. A person with a good soul. Later I came to know that he doesn't have any job. He was well educated, appeared well informed and technically adept. He had all that is needed for a technical job. Then why he doesn't have any? thinking on it further I realized, for getting a job, or for getting whatever one likes to have, one must realize "it's an unfair world!". But some people don't realize that. Their true, and hence good, soul makes them think, everyone else is genuine like them. They never use any unfair means and never complain or fight back if someone uses unfair means against them. They will leave any competition, not because of fear of losing, but because they don't want to hurt anyone. Hence they often lose the opportunity to someone inferior but unfair.

In a fair world such people should survive, not just survive but thrive as per their ability. But in reality it's not fair and just. The constant commercialization and globalization is the latest disguise used by the unfair people to achieve their motives and still not being characterized as one. They keep on shouting, "the fittest should survive!". True, everyone will accept that. But more often than not, the *fitness* boils down to unfair, dishonest and unjust means.

That meeting with him, made me realize all this. I am too, a part of this world, the world which is not fair with the people like him. A little bit of soul-searching revealed, though I am a part of the system, I was never involved, knowingly, in any of the unfair conducts. But still what can we do to improve this situation?

why not start with ourselves? let's take an oath that we will never make use of unfair and immoral means for our benefit. And in the same pursuit, we will not let go dishonest people without paying prise for their wrongdoings.

I conclude with the hope that one day we will live in a fair world, where every good person is taken care of and everyone else is made to understand that they just can't run away with their immorality.

long live truth in the real fair world !


At Tuesday, June 28, 2005, Blogger borntodre@m said...

I don't know what u r talking about ...seems u hv come bak to "original" joshi in wce :D

At Tuesday, June 28, 2005, Blogger shashank said...

couldn't get you mandar. it'll be great if I could return to my *original* state. I don't think I'm still there.


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